Overview Icon Project Overview

Thanks to this bot, you can automatically link your Telegram channels to other groups or channels. Every time you send a post to your channel, it will be immediately forwarded to all the groups in which it is located.

The bot is free and easily accessible for everyone. We are always working on updates and translating the bot into new languages. At the moment, the available languages are:

Functionalities Icon Functionalities

Functionalities available for every bots:

Functionalities available for premium bots:

Tutorial Icon Tutorial

  • Create a bot
    • Normal Bot

      To create your first bot follow whose steps:
      1. Open MultiForwardBot
      2. Click on ➕ Create your bot ➕
      3. Click on 🤖 Normal
      4. Click on ▶️ Proceed to ▶️
      5. Open Open BotFather
      6. Create a new bot
      7. Forward the bot token to MultiForward

    • Premium Bot

      To create your first bot follow whose steps:
      1. Open MultiForwardBot
      2. Click on ➕ Create your bot ➕
      3. Click on Premium ⭐️
      4. Click on ▶️ Proceed to ▶️
      5. Open Open BotFather
      6. Create a new bot
      7. Forward the bot token to MultiForward

  • Convert to premium

    To create your first bot follow whose steps:
    1. Open MultiForwardBot
    2. Click on ⚙️ Settings
    3. Click on Manage your bots 🤖
    4. Click on the 🌟 near to your bot username
    5. Open Open BotFather
    6. Type /mybots
    7. Select your bot
    8. Click on "Api Token"
    9. Forward the message containing the token to MultiForwardBot

  • Connect bot to group

  • Connect bot to channel

  • Forward to channel

    If you want to forward a message to a channel follow those steps:
    1. Add the bot as administrator to the channel
    2. Send the command /add to the channel

  • Forward to a specific group Topic

    If you want to forward a message to a specific group topic follow those steps:
    1. Add the bot to the group
    2. Send the command /settopic in the desired topic

  • Use free trial

    Did you know you can try all premium functions for free for an entire week ?
    Follow those steps:
    1. Open MultiForwardBot
    2. Click on ➕ Create your bot ➕
    3. Click on Premium ⭐️
    4. Click on ❗️Free Test 1 Week ❗️
    5. Join @JacksWork and do not leave until end of trial
    6. Click on "Start your Trial"
    7. Follow instructions on screen

  • Customize a bot

    Do you want to customize your bot's profile picture, description and about ?
    Just follow those steps:
    1. Open Open BotFather
    2. Type /mybots
    3. Select your bot
    4. Click on "Edit Bot"
    5. Click on "Botpic" to edit the profile picture


My bot is not forwarding messages in my group, what can I do ?

You can try couple things:
1. Check if the bot is in the group and if is not, add it
2. Try to send /restart command in your group
3. Try to remove the bot and add it again

Remeber that if you want to forward in a channel you must set the bot administrator and then send /add command in it

What kind of limitations do I have as normal (non premium) user ?

You don't have many limitations! You can create up to 5 bots, each one will then be able to be connected to 75 groups or channels. It means that you can forward messages to 375 groups or channels at the same time! The only limit is on the number of messages you can forward from the source channel every minute.

How does the "Limit Messages for Minute" works ?

The limitaion works on the number of messages from the source channel, it doesn't matter how many groups are connected to the bot. For example if the normal bots have a limit of 4 messages for minute, it means that the bot will forward 4 messages from the source channel every minute.

What will happen when my subscription expire ?

You will receive a message a month, a week and a day before the end of your subscription. You will have all the time you need to make the payment or organise yourself. In any case, if your subscription expire before the renew, a backup of every bot will be created and they will be converted to normal bots. We will keep the backups for about a month. In this month you can renew and import all your settings easily. None of the converted bots, after the end of your subscription, will be deleted by us.

Status & Stats

Status: ND
Currently Working: ND
Average Time for Process: ND
Average Process for Minute: ND
Total Forwards since last reboot: ND
Last Reboot: ND